
GTR Revolution 0.7 est là !
clockEcrit par Poil | clock2011-05-09 08:16:10

Le changelog est immense, on retiendra surtout la compatibilité avec la version 1.4.* de Quake4 !

Pour le télécharger c'est par ici !

  • GPM, a Promode:
    • CPM like movement and weaponbalance
    • Own tired armour system
  • RFM, a Railonly mode:
    • Faster gamespeed
    • Jumping rail, single ricochets, double ricochet, tripple ricochet, normal rail, push rail etc..
    • No items
  • Added _fast huds with better drawing performance
  • Added back the command g_tinyRail
  • Added command to turn on or of a visportal (map debugging purpose)
  • Added detail level to all projectiles to be able to remove effects using bse_scale
  • Added improved debughud 2,3,5,6,9,10,11 (r_showDebughud X)
  • Added improved simple interaction with better handling of lighting (r_useSimpleInteraction)
  • Added gamma.exe to the gtr folder to fix gamma if game crashes.
  • Added possibility to add and kick bot on the server from the client
  • Added possibility to specify team for the bot
  • Added shader with ambient fix and better graphics, no more hard fake strange shadows (Thanks Sikkpin)
  • Added shakedata to missing sounds
  • Added two new weapons for Q4W mode. Supershotgun and Supernailgun
  • Added quake4_map_editor.bat to GTR folder to easier start the editor
  • ArcTangent function to scripts.
  • Basic binds for CTF and TDM
  • Check for teamready so it can be turned on or off by si_teamReady
  • Check for adding bots so it can be turned on or off by si_bots
  • Check for maps missing aas file so server doesn’t crash when adding bot.
  • Clientside crosshairs support, using 64×64, 32bit tga files
  • Coolskins: 3 different colors on the model which can be changed seperatly (alpha)
  • eSabot
  • eSabot on online server
  • Feature to show once capped how long flag was held in seconds
  • Icon file to be used with shortcuts etc.
  • Implement single light color feature
  • Implementation of statistics page under main menu
  • Implemented cl_deathAnimation variable
  • Implemented demo recording popup as a matter of GUI comprehension.
  • Implemented si_healthDownPulse and si_armorDownPulse variables
  • Improved lighting performance (r_lightTreshold)
  • Maps:
    • CA map 1 (3 arenas, 1v1, 2v2, 4v4-6v6)
    • Defrag 1 & 2
    • GPM 1,2,3,4,5
    • Midair 1,2,3,4
    • Q4wxs1_rev (Silly railings)
  • Models: Keel and Doom
  • Multivote menu
  • New HQ simple icons (512×512)
  • NiceDemo feature (demos can be played without the need of all pk4 files the server had)
  • Optimized code for shadowing
  • Option to force a model, skin and sound
  • Player statistics in duel.
  • Possibility to use % and ” in chat (Special Characters)
  • Quake 4 1.4.2 Support
  • RA4 Map support (Only one room at the time, atm)
  • Reference file for maps
  • Runtimers work over network too.
  • Scoreboard: Average pings for team scoreboards
  • Scoreboard: Damage column to CA scoreboard
  • Scoreboard: Deathmatch have 2 new colums: EFF and FPH
  • Scoreboard: Duel scoreboard (no more DM scoreboard in duel)
  • Scoreboard: Gametype being played
  • Scoreboard: Number of caps
  • Scoreboard: Winning team above loosing team
  • Snow effect to the freezetag gamemode
  • Support for fastcaps (just open a ctf map in defrag mode and capture the flag)
  • Support for movieedit
  • Team overlay information about team mate status (dead or alive)
  • Teamready to ready the team the caller is on.
  • Thirdperson death, looking at the killer
  • Timer/clock position cvars
  • Trickjump hud
  • Warmup counting frags
  • Welcome page
  • ‘Join Team’ announcement plays at wrong times
  • After vote is called (return control back to game)
  • Alternate spawn for trickjump maps (TJ home)
  • Ammo is not used during warmup
  • Bad display of showspeed and showjumps
  • Change color of top left players list for DUEL and DM game type
  • Cleaner loadingscreen
  • Color on two of the strogg cool skins to reflect the rest.
  • Crosshair update times
  • description.txt
  • Display weapon decals even when bse_scale set to 0
  • Drowning damage interval from 3s to 2s and raised damage step from 5 to 6
  • Female marine skin look more feminine
  • Game menu now opens faster
  • GPM buildup (more speed, different projectiles etc)
  • Grappletrail thinner
  • Grenade triggering in GPM
  • GPM timer shows XX for seconds except when under 1 min left. (Duel)
  • GTR Cache, added more items to be cached.
  • Health and Armour values changed in CA
  • Hitsounds, now works switching between XGO and BaseQ4
  • How game starts, what get’s loaded or not
  • Hud-chatlog stay 1.5 seconds longer
  • Improvements on the accel/decelbar
  • Indication of frozen players in freezetag.
  • Lights to work properly with nopicmip
  • Loading screen has map name shifted out of the screen
  • Loadingscreens on all GTR maps and coloring on the [GTR] text.
  • Made chatlog look nicer
  • Made videochanges menu more safe.
  • Maxammo of railgun in gametyp GTR to 25.
  • Menu nameing
  • Moved crosshair update to once per second function
  • No hard landing sounds in CA
  • Number of elements in the menu (Removed unused ones)
  • Optimized RFM with some changes
  • Overlapping hud elements
  • Removal of GTX due to GPM implementation
  • Removal of proskins.
  • Removed cl_nomip cvar, effects and models are nopicmip now by default
  • Renamed cl_deathAnimation to cl_deathCamera
  • Scoreboard: Appearance changes (colors and column sizes)
  • Scoreboard: CA collums
  • Scoreboard: Number of characters for nickname and clan
  • Splitted si_traineeMode into si_freeStyle and si_weaponMode
  • Teamoverlay design
  • Teleport and jumppad sounds have a bit longer falloff distance.
  • Time column should display time in game, for spectators time in spec mode
  • Timeout to work with all gametypes except FFA
  • TJ H0m3 merged two versions to get 2 more rooms to the map.
  • Warmup doesn’t count frags
  • Weapon skins to have better coloring (To match projectiles etc).
  • Weapon switch time removed on Q4W
  • Wrong named cvars & gui descriptions
  • “player is not ready” message after game start
  • Added .DDS files so image_useCompress.. can be used and speeds up game a minor bit.
  • Added .DDS files to custom made maps
  • Bots not firing after game start
  • Buggy projectile water detection
  • Callvote manager crashing after exit from game on dedicated server
  • Cannot change own player model
  • Cannot see crosshair after video setting change
  • Clanarena: 5 sec countdown phase
  • Clanarena: How many players alive?
  • Colors of non-team based hud elements
  • Coolskin 2 piece models cannot change color on head
  • Crash when looking through player models
  • Crosshair not showing up after mapchange
  • Crosshairs having no alpha with image_downsizelimit below 32
  • DDS images making game crash when using ATI and Windows 7
  • Fixed autoconfig functionality, now it is executed after server.cfg execing
  • Flag Carrier doesn’t see the flagtrail
  • Footsteps when tapping
  • Fov setting (entering with keyboard in menu)
  • Grappeling through teleport on Dedicated server.
  • Grenade explotion doesn’t show when direct hit.
  • Hud flickers when picking up ammo/items
  • Hyperblaster spinup problem for gtr/gtx/gpm
  • Image_downSize behaviour for weapons, hud icons, flags, teleports etc.
  • Invisible enemy
  • LG beam is not shown when firing 1 cell
  • Lipsync for head crashing game when selecting model
  • Made g_announcerDelay actually work.
  • Missing “you win/lose” messages
  • Missing CTF messages
  • Models, can’t change own model
  • No win/loss stats when game finished during ctf
  • Overlapping Hud text fields
  • Precache of files in Quake 4
  • Problem with popups and page interaction in the menu.
  • QuakeWorld: HB is firing Nails
  • R_lightTreshold value is stored in demo
  • Removed most of the console warnings when loading mod and maps.
  • Scoreboard has broken Net and Time columns
  • Script compiler so you can load RA4 maps and normal maps with scripts.
  • Shakedata on sounds missing
  • Showfps drawing unreadable text with picmip
  • Slow loadingtime on mod
  • Slow team/ready
  • Sound issue when shooting at water with shotgun
  • Sound issue when sliding/crouching/walking through water.
  • Sounds missing on female models
  • Sounds not working when falling into puddles
  • Stuck on gametypes
  • Stuttering when first usage of an map item, weapon etc..
  • Teleport: Grappeling hook through teleport
  • Teleport: Spectator height when exiting teleport
  • Turning of hud now also turns of FPS in upper right corner
  • Vertical rampjumps / dropdown
  • Voteing for 1F_CTF or 1F_ACTF without maps supporting it will crash server
  • When 2 clients join the server, 2nd sees the 1st in marine team, although 1st is in spec
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    Développé par Poil - Graphismes de DarkDaV - Icônes sous licence Creative Commons (famfam, nuovo ...)
    Durée de génération : 1.3542499542236 secondes